Times are changing. Business Models are innovating. Supply chains are favouring sustainability. Organisations – private and public are powering ahead. At its core of progression – are people. During this session we will hear from those who have taken the first mover advantage, from those who lead day in day out – in an everyday that is a new day; in an everyday where all that is known is to be prepared for the unknown. Be on watch! Be prepared! Be strategic! – Nothing new for those in Media- Medicine and Military who lead at the edge. We will learn from those at the front line who despite their best planning need to think on their feet creatively, innovatively, proactively but in collaboration with a powerful team of colleagues – a team deliberately aligned for success – a team that lives by the rewiring experience.
11.20 – 11.35AM Resetting the Frequency – Frequently!
Ms. Fiona Stack, General Manager, Radio Kerry
11.40 – 11.55PM Generating Electrical Energy
Professor Mary Horgan, Chief Medical Officer, Ireland
12.00 – 12.15PM True Power – Knowing its Potential
Major General (Retired) Maureen O Brien