This session will show us that acting on change and with the right people in place in not enough for us to stay ahead. We need personal ownership. We each need to buy in. We need to make sure our brains are healthy and well – challenging our logic and our creativity – frequently. During this session we will learn of innovative ways in understanding brain health and how we can physically, nutritionally and mentally power our key asset – the brain! As we lead through these opportunistic times of transformation, we need to actively rewire the brain and challenge it regularly to allow us as humans to stay ahead of technology.
1.00-1.15PM Thinking differently about the complexity of neurodegenerative diseases in the brain
Dr Saranna Fanning, Assistant Professor in Neurology at Harvard Medical School and Brigham & Women’s Hospital
1.20-1.35PM Balancing the Wattage: Reconnecting and Re-energising the workplace through exercise, common goals and smart technology.
Mr. John Barron, CEO and founder of GoChallenge